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Production house dedicated to commercials since 2001

Soma, it's here

Production :

Geneviève Cabana-Proulx
514 803 3974
Write to Gen

Marc-Antoine Lambert
514 831 4300
Write to Marcus

Simon Corriveau-Gagné
514 709 5242
Write to Simon

Michel David
514 824 7218
Write to Michel

Sophie Thériault
438 931 3552
Write to Sophie

Development and communications :

Gabrielle Harvey
514 966 0154
Write to Gab

Operations :

Audrey Tardif
514 347 3089
Write to Audrey

Coordination :

Lili Bertrand-Vermette
514 651 2558
Write to Lili

Béatrice Langlois-Bettez
514 898 9711
Write to Béa

Reception :

Alix Desoomer
Write to Alix

Accounting :

Thérèse Tremblay
Write to Thérèse

Verо́nica Lerma
Write to Verо́nica

Responsible for the protection of personal information :

Marc-Antoine Lambert
514 831 4300
Write to Marcus

SOMA does not tolerate or accept any form of discrimination or harassment. If you are a victim or witness, please do not hesitate to discuss the matter with your producer or contact our VP, Marc-Antoine Lambert. SOMA takes your well-being seriously.